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Loving Daughter,

Please note: I am not sure what their policy would be about vaccinations.
Also they have some testing right on the premises so the resident does not
have to make unnecessary medical trips to the hospital.
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The hospital will find a place she can go unvaccinated if you refuse to take her home. But it might be one of those last-resort type places that must take on cases other places reject. Oh, and the one around here offers no visitation by anyone unless someone's in the last hours of their life.

Your case reminds me of parents who want full school services for their child without getting them vaxed for measles. The law here is that you then have to figure out schooling on your own at home by yourself or get the kid placed out of state by yourself versus having all the private and public school resources that other parents get.

Her choice and yours mean that you both have no choices except the worst ones.
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lealonnie1 Jan 2022
Except for measles vaccines have gone through ALL the normal testing for years and were proven safe before being rolled out.
Ricky, one hospital employee said in exasperation that no NH would take an unvaccinated lerson. It seems not to be true.

I am asking if the OP has worked with Discharge Planning on looking at sites with available beds. The OP then needs to do the legwork to find out if they will take an unvaccinated person
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LD, quick question should have asked this before making the assumption, are you looking to private pay, private insurance, or have Medicare / Medicaid cover the cost?

If private pay or private insurance I am sure you can find placement for your LO. If you plan on using Medicare / Medicaid may ask why do you think it is reasonable for taxpayers to pay for the higher costs of care if your LO gets covid, and in the off chance leads to others getting covid?

How exactly is this view woke or uninformed? You have your beliefs and respect that, but you have failed to express why your beliefs ahould be paid by others.
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sp19690 Jan 2022
Get over it already. Why dont you talk about the higher cost and care involved in doctors pushing more treatments on dying patients.

Look at bob dole with final stage cancer at 98 or 99 years old going for chemotherapy. What about before covid people getting sick and requiring treatment for flu complications? Did you complain about that too?

A person after a certain age has to go on Medicare they cannot get regular health insurance. Thats the way it works. And what about people who are vaccinated who get covid and require hospitalization? Why is it ok to treat them? And yes there are vaccinated people who are hospitalized with covid regardless of the nonsense and one sided reporting on the news.

This woman's mother is very sick with a feeding tube and paralyzed on one side and those who lack compassion for her situation should be ashamed of themselves. What is wrong with you people?

At least I am trying to call some places just to confirm or dispute what the hospital has told her. Unfortunately it's the weekend so I can't get complete info until monday. Strange how the nurses in these facilities that answer the phone can't answer the vaxx or unvaxx requirement for new admits.
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Tylenol was made with the same fetal stem cell technology as the vaccine. True religious objectors would never, ever pop a Tylenol. And many, many other common medications - albuterol, aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Benadryl, Sudafed, Preparation H, Claritin, Prilosec, and Zoloft - all came from the same technology as the COVID vaccine.
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