
Are there any caregiver support groups? has a 24 hr hotline. You locate your state chapter online and do a search by town. Again if you have difficulty then use the 800 number. I an in a large Metropolitan area and we have 5 groups in my location. The stat most likely has virtual groups. You can also call social services or memory care places near you.
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Reply to MACinCT

While this is technically a caregiver support group for folks all over the world, there really is nothing better than being able to sit down with folks going through similar things as you in person.
When I was looking for a caregiver support group almost 7 tears ago now, I just "Googled" caregiver support groups in my area, and was fortunate to find one that met in person every Wednesday morning and Friday afternoons.
And since Covid, we now just meet Wednesday mornings in person and Friday afternoons is done on Zoom. I personally prefer the in-person, but I understand that that doesn't work for everyone.
My support group literally saved my life when I was really in the throes of my caregiving for my late husband, and even though he's been dead for over 4 years now, I still attend to try and help others that are still in the throes and just need to know that they are not alone and that there is light at the end of this very difficult tunnel.
Best wishes in finding a local one that meets in person.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

I was hoping to find a group via zoom that I could attend with others in my situation. My 88 yr old Mom lives with my husband and I
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Reply to lorihaugh

Hi Lori, do you mean in person support groups?

We are a support group forum , of people all over the globe.

Do you have any questions or anything you want to run by us?
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Reply to Anxietynacy

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