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In my experience, Nursing Homes do not admit patients who do not require skilled nursing, whether or not they are private pay. People are not "put away" in nursing homes, at least not in good ones. My mother would be dead three times this year if she had been in my care; NH staff picks up on changes in her status quickly. My mother's health has significantly improved since she's been in her currently placement. Not sure what your sister's health status is; is it possible that your nephews are trying to shield you from knowledge that your sister is in fact very ill?
Helpful Answer (17)

Following a major stroke and broken hip, my mother, then 78 went to a nursing home for rehab, but she did not work with PT. Her doctor had been trying to get her into assisted living earlier because she was not consistent with her meds even with her wheel chair bound husband and a helper in the house. Thus, she kept having seizures. However, that all stopped at the nursing home. In my opinion, she lasted four years longer in the nursing home than she would of at home which was not a real possibility with her not learning to walk again like she had after her stroke. I share this just to say that not everyone puts a loved one in a nursing home just to give them to die in.
Helpful Answer (17)

See Chicago your sweet Mom is old enough to be my sister's Mom, even grandmother, at your mom's age and in her delicate health condition I agree a nursing home is the most compassionate place to have her. My sister is young, she just is obese and suffered a great loss ( her husband) which I feel drove her crazy with grief, some people can handle death, others absolutely cannot. That was the catalyst for many of her issues, I told my nephew that, plus now she is on tons of meds, meds that weaken you, not strengthen you. It's all so sad.

I don't feel the nursing home is making my sister improve, now they are very kind and efficient there but I knew she would deteriorate there ( or any facility that was not her own home) and I was right. It is so dramatic how downhill she has gone and I told my nephew she would, but he and his slimy brother did not heed my warnings, they are young and healthy, if they were good souls they would had gotten together to care for her. I have sacrificed for my mother, it is not the easiest thing to care for her, but it is my moral obligation, so what my nephews can't together to care for their mother? Like I wrote one has no job, he has all the time in the world as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars, how sickening is it that these two selfish pigs put their Mom away and now seem to be rewarded with tons of money, it is so unfair. I bet in their sick perverse minds they think it is a sign they did the right thing, like the money is a reward. I truly hope they get punished in this life and the next, I know I am supposed to forgive all, but wow when family acts like this to family to me it is an unforgivable sin, worse than not forgiving them is.

thank you for your good luck words, I wish that to you too. And your Mom is not in the nursing home because she was a bother, but because it truly is the best place for someone in her condition. As far as my sister, it's the worst place, I am sure she feels abandoned and betrayed and I know she is severely depressed, it's heartbreaking, I love my sister so much, she's waaay too young o be in a nursing home. when I tell friends, neighbors and strangers her age and where she is they are shocked..
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See Pam no way my sister raised them like that, she showed her generosity often, she was a special ed teacher and had a very poor student so she went out and bought him jeans and sneakers and other items, she bought him things numerous times. She also was thoughtful toward others, she offered to bring her then alive and ill mother in law into her home to care for her. And when her sweet husband lay dying in a hospital for 6 months, she visited him every single day except 9 days, when she was sick or had to get a treatment for her back pain, and see she is large and has back pain and would sit in the hard chair in the ICU and other hospital rooms they put her husband, but she sat in those uncomfortable chairs sitting by her husband up to 6 hours at a time, her sons saw and knew that, I guess they are too dumb to learn by example.She helped her sons and others, you cannot blame the tree when some of the fruit is rotten, outside circumstances occur to create that rottenness. I am who I am by my own choices, I do not blame my parents for anything, those two slobs have chosen their ways to behave in life, no one to blame but them.
Helpful Answer (11)

Perhaps all that you are wanting for your sister, will occur in the NH. My mother would not have survived another week at home, and now we celebrated her 95th birthday. She has been in the NH for 15 months. She has 24 hour care, baths, meals, socialization and entertainment.

One of my sisters died trying to care for Mother. My other sister is 75 YO. We could not have cared for mother at home.

As far as taking Mother somewhere in the car, the NH would not help us load her in the car. They cannot be responsible for that. Her 50 yo grandson isn't even capable of getting her (dead weight) in a car and then, change her Depends, while out.

I celebrate those families that are able to care for their loved ones, but some loved ones are very difficult patients and need skilled care.

Good luck. I think that you have enough on your plate, without taking on your sister, too.
Helpful Answer (38)

Well if they are stupid and selfish, that's the way she raised them. Spoiled them rotten. Too bad she can't turn back the clock and take them to the woodshed.
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