
Details are, I am not even slightly dementia ridden and I could pass some of the tests they give residents as I could not draw three dimensional objects and could not repeat words given to me before a 10 minute conversation ensued in a reverse order. Also mom has hearing and vision problems they ignore.

In her facility I have have been lied to by the people who are considered the dementia experts. They tell me things and then tell my family they never said them, however I have witnesses. Be Careful!

They think that their activities whether the resident likes them or not are more important. If the resident asks you to come, then go. Any time you have that you can be with your family member is important, so later you don't regret not enjoying the resident's wonderful company while you could. We will all miss them them when they are gone so, now is the time to have time with them!

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I’m afraid I have to concur re the dubious antics in care facilities. Including lies, ignoring residents in need of help etc. There are too many details to go into each.

I also absolutely agree with making the most of quality time with LO’s whilst you can. I always strived to get them to laugh or smile as many times as possible whilst with them. Thinking up new ways to keep them occupied in some form and feeling like a useful member of society is vital too. I got dad shelling peas for dinner and doing other vegetables. Even though they weren’t the ones in his meal he always thought the peas etc tasted very good as a result.

This sort of sounds like you are saying there's a "conspiracy" to get people into nursing homes? You seem to have a beef with NHs? I really couldn't follow what you are saying...can you please clarify?

I'm not sure if you are speaking about your own situation or that of a loved one in the NH. Do you feel that your loved one should not be in a NH? If so, how did she get there in the first place? You can always remove her from the facility.

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