
My mom is in early stage 6 Alz. She's starting to have problems dressing herself, but still wants to do it on her own. Putting on her bra is the biggest issue right now. Has anyone experienced this and found a style that is maybe easier to put on? I thought about sports bras, but she has *never* worn one. So I'm not sure she could learn how to put it on. She is a larger woman with a larger chest and really is more comfortable once she has the bra on. So going without isn't really an option for her.

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How about one that is front closure? Maybe with snaps.
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Front closure definitely and a firm sport bra might help too. More comfortable for all day wear. But if she is used to long lines or something heck of an adjustment.
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I didn't think of front closure. I'm not sure I've ever seen them in her size. I'll definitely search for those. She doesn't use long lines, so that won't be an issue. And snaps would be much better than hooks. She sleeps in her bra now (actually in all her clothes - she prefers it) and the hooks tend to come undone during the night. Thanks!
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You might try looking at the specialty clothing at Buck & Buck. I used to order from them for my nursing home residents. Google them.
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Lane Bryant has a few too...Good Luck!
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