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The American Cancer Society puts out a catalog called "TLC Tender Loving Care" and it has all sorts of comfort wear for Breast Cancer patients and such. Visit . or call 1-800-850-9445
It would make a nice Holiday gift!
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carol write magazine on line pul on bra cheap
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thanks- ill chk it out
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I recently found cotton, front closure, sports bra at Walmart, for 2/$10. They are very comfortable. Also, depending on the person's build and amount of social interaction, they could also wear a tank top with a shelf bra built in, or for around the house just a basic tank under a shirt.
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sounds good-
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What a nice group of people, so understanding Luv sent ur way
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yes, they really are very understanding and full of information.
--and I was able to find one for my mom.
On a funny note, I wasnt there when the pkg arrived.
And when I got to moms house I noticed something strange.
I looked like she had a wide elastic band ,around her chest-
the woman sent over from the agency had put the bra on backwards!.
my poor mom was walking around in a backwards bra--
now i dont know how someone who is supposed to have experience working with elderly and demantia patients,
and who is a woman herself- how she could have mistaken
the obvious form of the front of this item, but she did,.
I thought maybe mom tried to do it herself- so I asked-
no- she didnt- the aide did-
it was funny in a way, but sad too- how uncomfortable it must have been, and how absurd to not recognize something was not right..
ah, for the lighter moments in our day---
Have a Happy New Year..
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