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I don't know about what the stroke might cause, but how is his blood sugar? High blood sugar can cause a person with diabetes to sleep all day; it might mean he is close to a coma if its high. Also, what about the meds he is on? Many can be more sedating that you might think.
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Dear Luisita,

My dad also had diabetes and suffered a stroke. He was in his 80s. He also slept a lot. I would be concerned if he is sleeping too much. I would try and monitor his sugars more closely. I know its not easy being a caregiver. And my dad was also quite grumpy after the stroke. He didn't even want his sugars tested. I would also have his meds reviewed. Maybe one of the side effects is they are more tired.
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Luisita69 I came on here to inquire about the same issue. For me It's like a dual edge sword, due to dementia when Mom is awake she is highly agitated and confussed. When she is sleeping I can still see some agitation but at least she's not trying to get up and walk then fall and repeat. I guess this for my Mom and her caregivers, this is the middle of the road, awake and confussed or sleep and somewhat at rest.
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After having a stroke you are very tired at first. Everything takes more energy
to do than it used to. But you should make sure the blood sugar is not excessively
high or low. Very high sugar can make you tired, very low can send you into coma.
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