
My family and I have grown to love our elderly friend as family and he has since moved out of state to be with his family his wife just passed and came back here to lay her to rest and he has told us he wants to move back that his family is spending all his money and he don't know how to stop it or tell them he wants to move back here . I'm just trying to find out if there is anything I can do to help him ? and if he was to move back here is would have live at an assisted living free of charge and has lots of people that would love him like family here my heart is so heavy in knowing what has really been going on with him since he has moved there almost a year ago any help please ?

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"Assisted living free of charge"? Tell me where this is! But to your your friend travelling on his own or with a family member you could talk to? How is his family spending his money if he hasn't given them the authority to do so? Most likely, your friend is grieving both the loss of his wife AND the loss of the wsy things used to be. Are there ways you can stay in contact with him in his new location?
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yess free only cause he worked at this place for many years and the owner and him are best friends . No I don't have anyone to talk to who he is staying with . I do have contact with him and I do have an address . They tell him since he stays there they have the right to have his money and he don't know how to tell them no he doesn't want to give them any more money . He also doesn't know how to tell them he is not happy there and wants to move back and I want to help him and would be willing to travel to pick him up and bring him back because he says he feels more love and its home being here and not where he is now .
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Do "they" have POA? He can revoke that. Help him find an eldercare lawyer in his area who can help him revoke POA if he is still competent. But tread carefully here; there may be family dynamics at play that you are unaware of; he may have a diagnosis of dementia and is unaware of what his needs are (although if he's travelling alone, it doesn't sound like it).
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