A property was purchased via Sheriff Sale. The deed was transferred last week. Property was occupied by the now previous owner when I visited. ~75 yrs. old, female. Seemed oblivious to the situation and I think she may be in mental decline. In any event, is there a way to ensure she gets some help? Has no family or friends she mentioned. I know this is a tough situation, but this will go through the ejectment process. I reached out to local county services for aging to see if they can assist. This is in PA
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Something sounds very wrong with all of this, but it sounds like the damage has already been done, so all you can do now is call APS and report this poor woman and her situation to them and let them take things from there.
She will then become a ward of the state.
plans for occupant would be up to the occupant or care giver. They should be working with mortgage holder to get loan repaid on time.
If none can be found go to sheriff or police in your area.