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Thank you to all who gave their welcome advice, be it good or not. I will check out all you all have suggested and see what I can find out. I am sorry to offend you sylvester18, but I too have health problems that are expensive and so their fore I can not quit my job to take care of my mom. My 19 yr old daughter is the only one not supporting anyone so she is the likely canadaite to help, but I can not afford to give her the gas money to get to my moms house. I find it best not to judge someone until you have been on the very same journey they are traveling. Thanks again everyone.
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Just got to this they not give answers?
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Yes, please let's not judge one another. We need to be understanding, and I was taught if you can't lift someone up, don't tear them down. It hurts and this is a tender topic that needs a gentle expression. Best wishes to all, heaven help us all. Peace.
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Contact Elder Services in reference to this, if you live in Mass. there is
a program called Mass Health where they pay 20 hours a week to a
family member or who ever takes care of your mom. My mom did not qualify for Mass Health but I do get assistance for day care. They do not
make it easy to find out information, hope this helps
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I'm glad that you have a daughter who is willing to help with her own grandmother. I am also glad to see that you are trying to do whatever you can to see if there is a way you can help both of them by seeing if there is some financial assistance. I'm afraid I don't know of any.

I, too, take care of my grandmother. She has been living with me and my family for over 3 years. We have used ALL of our savings (including all the savings for our own children, ages 10 and 5), cashed out a life insurance policy, and borrow thousands of dollars to take care of her. There is NO help that I know of to help with these bills that we have incurred.

Sylvester18.... I am APPALLED!!! that you would suggest that needing assistance to care for those we love is a bad thing. I remember quite well my parents getting commodities to make sure we had food on the table, accepting donation of clothing to make sure we had good clothes to wear to school, and taking us to the health department where we got to see the doctor and dentist for free. I, myself, had to accept WIC to make sure that my own daughters had proper nutrition as babies while being able to use the money we saved to keep the roof over our heads in good repair. I will NEVER be ashamed to ask for help when it is available so that my loved ones can live a better life. My parents asked for help when they needed it, and so will I.
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Does your mother get any social security benefits? Those benefits can certainly be used in any way for her expenses, this includes hiring your daughter or anyone else to assist with her needs.

Maybe this is what someone meant when they suggested social security.
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Thank you all for everything. I will post what I find out. May GOD bless and lighten your burdens always.
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Rules/regulations vary from state to state, so I'd go straight to the local SS office and ask them. Who knows? They might just give you a form to fill out. Good luck.

-- ED
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When I told my doctor that I didn't have any symptoms that would justify me having to take medicine for Alsheimer. I do take the medicine every day but I still say I do not have any of the symptoms that I'm suppose to have. I am aware of everything in my home and I take care of a two story home. Also I don't stay up all hours of the night like people say alsheimer patients do. I also know all the names of my relatives and friends. I just don't understand why I'm taking this medicine at all.
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PLEASE get in contact with ANYONE in your area that is involved with aging . Everything IS okay, Is there a church near your home? just walk right in and tell the first person you see what is on your mind. You ARE okay. Its a simple matter of doing a little footwork to find the right people that will help to show you that you are safe and cared for.
Tell us what town are you in? Maybe someone on this site can get in touch with you and straighten it all out. Everything IS okay.
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