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I have had good luck with a spray/pretreatment product call Zout. It even worked on old blood, rust, and perspiration stains after the article has been laundered and dried.
If the blouse is white and washable/dryable try this: dampen, spread a mixture of salt and lemon juice on the stains and put in direct sunlight. Let dry and rinse to see if stain is gone. If not, repeat.
As far as a condition causing this--no clue.
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Here is a post from LiveStrong about yellow stains.

What Are the Causes of Yellow Perspiration?

The human body perspires after exposure to high temperatures, when muscles create heat, in response to emotional stimuli and as a response to certain foods. Thermoregulation is the major trigger for sweating. Perspiration is primarily a function of the body's need to cool itself. When ambient temperatures rise above the body's resting temperature, generally 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, temperature receptors on the skin alert the brain to begin the sweating process. The body accomplishes this task by stimulating sweat production in either the eccrine sweat glands, the apocrine sweat glands, or both.


Chromhidrosis is a rare condition that a causes perspiration to be colored. The apocrine sweat glands are primarily located in the underarms and in the anogenital region. These glands do not become functional until a person reaches puberty. The fluid produced by these glands is thicker and milkier than the sweat produced by the eccrine sweat glands. Apocrine sweat contains proteins and fatty acids.

In rare cases, a yellow-brown, finely granular pigment, called lipofuscin, mixes with sweat and sweat appears colored. Associated with aging, these pigments can be found in the liver, heart muscles, nerve cells and kidney cells. International Anti-Aging Systems explains that lipofuscin results from free-radical damage to fats and proteins.

Apocrine chromhidrosis cannot be so easily treated. This is because the condition is so rare and not fully understood. Some promising treatments include the topical application of capsaicin, an ingredient in peppers, or treatment with botulinum, the neurotoxin used in Botox and Myobloc.

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Pseudochromhidrosis is a variation of chromhidrosis, according to Annals of Internal Medicine. Pseudochromhidrosis occurs when colorless sweat reaches the skin and mixes with agents such as bacterial byproducts, dyes, chemicals and pigments. If the colorant is yellow, sweat will appear yellow. Treatment involves identifying the colorant and avoiding it in the future. Pseudochromhidrosis caused by bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, according to Dermatology

Bacterial Sweat Stains

In most cases, "yellow sweat" is not really yellow. Rather, sweat is clear when it leaves the body. When apocrine sweat reaches the skin's surface, bacteria that live on the skin metabolize the fats and oils in the sweat and produce the odor associated with sweat and the colored liquid that transfers to clothing and causes "sweat stains."
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A support group for adult children caring for elderly parents had this question:
Are they any easy ways to convince the parent/s that they need more help than the child can give, such as someone to clean and/or do other household chores?
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There are no easy ways..If u know someone that they know and trust a friend, It would be easier for the friend to suggest it. If not, have you doctor mention something about I know you are feisty and can do for yourself, but everyone needs some help, what do you think? Do in a positive manner....
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Even if she does have yellow stains on her clothing. at that age, who is to say anything. Bless her heart, we should all be lucky to live that long....even if there is a no harmful condition. If someone doesn't understand and points it out, then let them have the clothing and try to get the stain out. They won't say much after that.......
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Prashworth you dont understand my moms dilema...these excessive yellow colored sweat stains are casing her embarassment . they are not on the underarm but running down the length of the sleeves & front of blouse... 90 or not she likes being neat & having her clothes in look good & not stained & is worried all of her blouses will be ruined... i only wanted advice as to how these stains can be removed & if anyone has a similar condition... her Dr did not seemed particularily concerned & was flipant just as you were in your answer..
& i would like to thank you knappick ,i will have my sister try the zout on my moms blouse, you have been very helpful . the kind of answer i was looking for.
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I also have read the same thing online about chromhidrosis, but thank you anyway for the info
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