
Lately my mom who has demensia has been getting migraines and insists on laying down. After waking she doesn't remember anything that she has already done earlier before the migraines and laying down. She thinks that she is starting the day all over again. Is this some sort of sign that she is about to get a stroke? What should I be looking out for, and should I be treating this as an emergency?

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My Mom was doing that and later we found out it was TIA's or mini stroke. Sometimes they can be found by MRIs and sometimes they are so small that they don't show up. Best to discuss this with her regular doctor. Good Luck to you and to your Mom.
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Has she been diagnosed with migraine previously? A migraine is not just a bad headache, if she's having specific migraine symptoms, she needs to be seen by a neurologist. As stated above, these could be tia's.
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You should be on the phone with her MD first thing Tuesday morning. This sounds more like strokes than migraines. Please do not delay.
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Like ba8alou said, unless your mom's been diagnosed with migraines in the past she's probably not having a migraine although people often say that they have a migraine just when they have a bad headache. Migraines have to be diagnosed and there is medication migraine sufferers can take.

Since this is new for your mom it would be wise to take her to the Dr.
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