
They won't let him speak to me.

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Cak, we need a lot more information, who, what, where, when, and why. Such as who are "they" in your title?
Helpful Answer (2)
Cak1214 Jan 2019
Hes with his aunt, the same one that was the reason 2 years ago he ended up with one of his mothers ex bfs who was taken advantage of him, she(his aunt and his mother were fighting over him and his money and the police called the ex bf to see if he would take him. Hes 22 years old. Its a lot to explain.
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Hes with his aunt, the same one that was the reason 2 years ago he ended up with one of his mothers ex bfs who was taken advantage of him, she(his aunt and his mother were fighting over him and his money and the police called the ex bf to see if he would take him. Hes 22 years old. Its a lot to explain. Is there a number i could call to speak to someone?
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I found out about the ex bf that had power of attorney over him doing a lot of crooked things on top of mistreating him. That person along with his son, sons gf, his daughter are all facing felony kidnapping charges and felony assault charges. They did that to separate me and my bf by force cause they knew I was going to help him. He got 16000 in back pay and the ex bf that was also his represenitive payee for his ssi. He bought land, the truck he drives, and a camper along with other things and none of it was in my bfs name. He was already in trouble for that if he didnt put my bfs name on the land but he told me that if he did that his kids wouldn't be entitled to it. Thats not fair. They aren't entitled my bfs money paid for it.
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I called and reported everything to social security. He also has a 2 to 3 million dollar lawsuit on against the company of the driver that hit him when he was 18 and lost his legs. I want so bad to help him. I care so much for him and I see how wrong he is being done. He isn't mentally incompetent like they make him seem. They manipulate and control him and have been doing that to him for years. I need help to help him. The assault on me and kidnapping happened Sunday night into earl6 morning on me. While i was being forced into the vehicle to be dumped on the side of the road, the ex bf took him to Louisville after lying to police saying i left on foot. They forced us apart. What do I do? Im on ssi myself. Idk what more I can do.
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They have made me out to be the bad person and not let me speak to him. Anytime someone calls for him, his aunt puts it on speaker so she can listen to everything so she can control him. She won't even put him on the phone with me cause she knows he wants to talk to me and if I asked him if he wanted me to come get him he would say yes. Its not fair. He deserves to be happy and have someone care about him for more then just money. My heart hurts for him and I know he is hurting too. Please somebody help me.
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When have you seen him last, and how long were you a couple? Other than his physical impairment are there any problems with your BF's thought process such as continuing effects of traumatic brain injury? If not then he is ultimately in charge of his own fate and can see who he wants, live where he wants, and assign whoever he wants to be his POA (which he would have the power to over ride because POA must follow the direction of the grantor). I think he likely tells everyone in his life what they want to hear - maybe he's just not mature enough to have a relationship at this time.
Helpful Answer (4)
Cak1214 Jan 2019
You treat someone like a child and make them believe they have no control all their lives what do you think they are going to think? The ex bf said and I had it on video on my last phone that he controlled him and that he wasn't going to marry me if he said he wasn't. Its not what you think, my bf really does care about me. There is more to this story and it doesn't matter how long we have been together. A lawyer defends someone the first day of meeting but if you must know, 2 months but i have been with him every single day in that 2 months, 24 7. I am probably the only person that has ever given him a chance to be himself. He acts so much differently around me then these other people. He told me he cant be himself around them. I can see why. I started not being able to be myself cause the vibes that were put off by the ex bf cause he is a bitter alcoholic affected me as well as my bf. He is behind a little in maturity but I know that he would want to come stay with me. He hates his family. They did nothing for him when he was younger. He grew up in foster care, mental facilities and group homes. Sunday night was the last I seen him. They won't let him speak to me. When i spoke to the detective monday, i called his aunts phone and the detective talked to him briefly then asked if he wanted to Speak to me. He said yes and his aunt snatched the phone from him.
Cat, sorry I just cannot follow this situation. Hopefully other writers here can figure this out.

In the meantime, kidnapping is a Federal offense, thus more than just the local police should be involved.
Helpful Answer (1)
Cak1214 Jan 2019
What do you mean by more then just the local police? And i was just really wanting suggestions and advice on how i should proceed if any could be given at all. Everyone is just ignoring it. Im not giving up. Im not letting this go. He deserves better then this.
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Cak, with kidnapping, the FBI needs to be called in. Did the local and State Police call in the FBI?

I realize you want to do what is best for your boyfriend, but the fact that you were kidnapped was serious and needs to be top priority at this time.
Helpful Answer (2)
Cak1214 Jan 2019
I am working on that too but police didn't say and im very upset that I just talked to the detective on the case and this incident happened Sunday and those people still dont have warrants for their arrest. I am feeling very hopeless at this point.
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Call Adult protection services. Tell them your story and ask them to do a well check of boyfriend. For the exboyfriend being POA your boyfriend had to have assigned him. Your boyfriend can also revolk it. He can also change his payee. If he is capable of handling his own money, a payee is not needed.

If you do this and APS finds he is being abused in any way, he will need a place to go. They may help with this?
Helpful Answer (5)
Cak1214 Jan 2019
I am going to call right now. Thank you.
Cat, please comeback and tell us how things worked out.
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