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KapDay, if you or another family member cannot take care of Mom, the next best thing is to hire caregivers from a caregiving Agency that is licensed, bonded and insured. You will need to see if Mom needs only one 8-hour shift, or three 8-hour shifts per day. This will be expensive.

If you hire an independent caregiver, one who doesn't work for any Agency, then Mom will need to purchase workman's comp insurance from her insurance carrier. This is needed in case the "employee" is hurt on the job.

Now, you have to see if your Mom will accept strangers in the house to help her. My Mom didn't, and on the 3rd day she shooed the caregivers out of the house. She said my Dad, who was in his 90's could help her... [rolling eyes].

Hope your Mom starts feeling much better.
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You state that "My mom is really sick and in the hospital". I suggest that you look realistically at what type of care and the amount of care that your Mom may need when she is discharged from the hospital.

As other people have suggested, you need to contact the Discharge Planner in the hospital NOW to find out what type of care your Mom will need when she is discharged from the hospital. You may discover that your Mom's current illness has made her Alzheimer's worse to the point that she can no longer live at home.

There is a greater than 50% chance that your Mom will need full time care (24 hours a day--7 days a week--365 days a year) either at home or at a Memory Care Unit/nursing home. Are you or your family members prepared to quit work for ____ years and take care of your Mom 24 hours a day OR have someone (if you can find them) take care of your Mom in your home? (She most likely cannot live alone anymore.) The best solution for your Mom and your family maybe admitting your Mom to a Memory Care Unit or facility.
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Talk to the discharge planner about options for rehab or at home care. There may be a Medicaid program to provide some care, but it won’t be 24 hours and 7 days per week. Medicare won’t pay for at home custodial care.
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Your profile says that you are caring for someone (Mom maybe) with Alzheimer's.
Is Mom past stage 3? If so, who stays with Mom now?

Often, a stay in the hospital can make the symptoms of Alzheimer's worse...more confusion lasting longer than normal. Contact the Discharge Planner in the hospital to find out what Mom will need upon discharge.

You can either take off work and stay with her or have another family member come to stay with her or you can have her stay with a family member that isn't working outside the home.
Like FF said, in home caregivers are very expensive and would quickly dissolve your Mom's savings ($18.-$25./HOUR. in California). You or another family member could do 8 hour shifts when the caregivers finish their day shift.

I'd suggest that you start thinking about the long range plan for your Mom, as Alzheimer's get progressively worse as time goes on. She will need full time care either from a caregiver (family or paid) or a Memory Care facility in the future.
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