
I have just learned that my son has used me to the point of bankruptcy; I would have given him my last nickel; and guess what!! I did. Now that I am penniless, I have outlived my usefulness. For the past week I have been sleeping in his children's playroom; I h what I have not eaten anything aside from what few things I had with me. I have left, he has been telling me were in a storage locker, which I have never been to. This morning I learned (by climbing into his attic), that many of my things are up there. I have been verbally abused beyond belief. I brought a few items down, just for him to know that I'm not as stupid as he believes. I know he will go into another rage when he realizes this. Kindly advise what I should do at this point. Desperate, 76 year old widowed grandmother. A review of his bank account for the past 10 yrs. will verify the funds that I have extended to him. Thanking you in advance, I am Ann W.

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Two possibilities here: one is that you are confused and mistaken. Are you physically capable of climbing into the attic? And bringing items down? And why would you tip your hand and let him know that you know? What kind of a bed is in your grandchildren's playroom, and what are you sleeping on? If you went up to the attic, why can't you go to the refrigerator? Is there a third party who can see the situation you are in and advise you?

The other possibility is that you are correct. How did you find out BTW? If you really have been and are being abused, GO TO THE POLICE NOW BEFORE HE DOES SOMETHING WORSE. If you can't tell the difference and decide to call the police and you are wrong, it will probably be obvious to them and they will try to explain to you and help your son stay calm about it. If you are right, they will probably get you to a care facility where you will have enough food and a regular bed to sleep in.
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Call the attorney who drew up the will and ask for his advice on how you should accomplish your goal. It's unbelievable that a son you gave life to could treat you so shabbily. If you have life insurance, don't forget to change the beneficiary.

As to "What should I do?" I'd get hold of the Council on Aging and have a conversation with a social worker. Believe me, it won't be their first rodeo.
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Ann W-contact Adult Protective Services. They deal with these kind of situations all the time. Climbing into attics, sleeping in a play room, lack of food and caring for a heart condition person will be a thing of your past. As a 76 widowed elderly you will get what is needed for a person in your situation.
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Call 911 and they will come get you. If you are demented, you might end up in the county home. If you gave all your money away, they won't do a thing. BUT if he stole your money and your property, he will go to jail. You will be taken care of, in the county home.
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alrhhi, your profile says you are a Caregiver for someone who has a heart condition/stroke.
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After contacting adult protective services, you should remove him from any bank accounts, etc. You will probably have remove yourself from any joint accounts, then open new ones. Change your will immediately, making sure to mention in it that you've deliberately chosen to not provide for your son, x. Issue another poa that revokes his, if he has one. You can also take him to court and get a judgment against him for the money he's taken. That might cost a hundred bucks or less. If you can get the money he's used of yours tied to a criminal offense, like neglect or fraud or elder abuse, the court case could go in a different direction even more beneficial to you, where he has to pay you back as punishment, or else go to jail. Make sure when you take things from the house that you have police/sheriff with you. That way there's a witness and make you tell the police how scared you are.
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This is an easy question in regards to your will.

Make a new will and put in it the direction that it "cancels and supercedes all previous wills."

As tro his theft of your belongings, contact the police and a pro-bono lawyer. Seek help from State Afing Agency. ASAP

That takes care of old wills Make sure it is kept by someone you trust completely.
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Afing = Aging
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