
My Dad has dementia but still drives my Mom is legally blind. I don't think they are going to be able to live independently much longer. My dad is a veteran if that means more benefits may be available. Because they live on Social Security I don't know if they can afford assisted living but I hope that something like that is available to them in the future. I am just starting to explore their options.

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Go down to the Georgia Department of Driver Services and fill out a request for a driver review. If he can't pass the review, he should not be driving. This way, you are not the bad guy, the DDS is. Then offer to drive him around to run errands or grocery shop for them. Offer to find them a housekeeper once a week. Take it one step at a time.
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If you feel your parents income is limited for future housing, check out the senior apartment complexes where the complex charge rent according to one's income.

And have your Dad contact the Veterans Administration as soon as possible to see what programs are available for him... you wouldn't want him to miss out on anything because he hadn't checked earlier.
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