We (the family) just reobtained POA - Healthcare & Property status and the inheritance of our loved one's Estate by Will. This was after a very messy estrangement which resulted in now being asked to pay a claim for a large sum of $ for caretaking and POA responsibilities. We feel the amount being asked is onerous but do not want to create a litigious situation. Aside from the Estate's lawyer (whom we have consulted and they are remaining rather neutral), to whom can we go, in Ontario, Canada, for advice on what to settle as a fee for this caregiver/POA's services in the last year?
In this area of Ontario, full-time CG, 24/7 by a private nursing care company was quoted for 2 PSW's as being about $3,200/month. Our situ with this claiming CG was much much less than that. Then there is the cost of the responsibilities of POA'ing.
I have done my research and went to my L.O.'s estate lawyer well prepared with 6 pages of summarized research and findings. My question now is, where do I get some professional advice about this thorny situ? Another Lawyer, an owner of a private Nursing care service, who?
Thanks for taking the time to give your expertise!
Thanks for your thoughts, cwillie, I still have to factor in the POA responsibilities...
You see, the problem here is that the previous POA/CG was also liberally written into the revised Will! They have now been completely written OUT of the new will. They resigned their POA - HC responsibilities and were stripped of their POA - Property by my loved one. So now they want compensation... They did a good job in many respects but tried to push my loved one into care prematurely and got a BIG surprise. The effort to try to get my loved one into care almost killed them, seriously, The hospital she was admitted to refused to be part of a discharge plan that was against my loved one's wishes. It was a very stressful mess and resulted in the previous POA/CG resigning as POA - HC.
It sounds as though this person was a loyal friend and helper and although they initially had no thoughts of accepting pay they are hurt and upset. Be generous. And good luck caring for your LO, I have a feeling you will need it.