
My sister in law cares for my mother in law and she has bed sores all over her legs and if my sister in law dont feel like cooking then she dont and my mother in law is diabetic so she dont get her meds at the right times.

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Mandated reporters, like doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, etc. have to give their names when reporting suspected abuse or neglect but other people do not. You can make an anonymous report. Someone will then investigate.
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I just had to deal with Adult Protective Services over false claims my brother made re abuse. After everything I went through, I truly believe if you don't have the guts to report it and be open about it, your true intentions are questionable.
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Definitely contact the state elder abuse hotline. They will contact the local agency in her area, and make a mandatory home visit. If they feel she is in immediate risk of health issues, they will take action in getting her removed from the home and get proper health care. This may be hospitalization, temporary long term or rehab placement, and help with future plan of care such as nursing home placement or home care with appropriate services. They also continue to monitor should she move home. In some cases they even petition the court for temporary guardianship for the client. The most important thing to do is to get her immediate evaluation for the leg ulcers which can easily progress to septic ulcers putting her at risk for, septicemia, loss of extremities, and possibly death if no medical treatment is sought. Elderly have decreased immune systems, diminished circulation, and reduced sensory input . These all increase their risk of medical complications over younger adults. Know you are doing the right thing as her advocate. God bless you.
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If mother in law can be recorded about her pain for example; is MIL aware of all of her sores? If so, a recorded document from MIL would be great in an effort to protect her...sounds like she needs immediate medical care for the bed sores...this could be a case where adultprotective services visits quickly but i don't know, does aps look at peoples bodies? I don't think they do. Hence, please lots of pictures if you can acquire them. It may be time for a private visit with camera in toe to your MIL. You might hidden nanny cams..i saw one that was a baseballl hat so you could where the hat when visiting and record at the same time. no one would ever know with this hat...its on my list of "wishes"
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These things you mentioned are all important issues to your monther's health.Your report to your state adult abuse hotline is always anonymous. You have very validconcerns . Know that your mother is depending on you also to see
that her care is good. These things are difficult , but need to be looked into
out of your concern and love for her.
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You can report the matters top your state's Department of Aging. It might be helpful to include pics and any supporting documentation. If the abusor is a court appointed guardian, send a report to the designated court.
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You can call the elderly abuse hotline you can google it, or your local social services. Each will keep your name out of it. As Jazzslofton suggested, keep documentation, take pictures also. If necessary call the local police department they will keep it on file for further use. Documentation is the key.
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in the case of a skilled nursing facility; the facility can put 2 and 2 together even if a state report is kept anonymous. The DIL might also be able to do so depending on how many visitors MIL receives; she can deduce who made the report...just be prepared. if she is able to figure out you were the reporter she is likely to retaliate by interfereing with your visits etc etc...yes its against the law but NH get away with it all the time. i am living the retaliation right now. Therefore pictures are extremely is she treating MIL's bedsores? that's awful and you must report as they can be deadly and painful. if there are multiple bed sores that is even worse!!!!
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Abuse has to be reported immediately. No one should be abused and it can't go on. Have you also thought of cooking meals two or three times a week and bringing them to your sister-in-law so she can eat a meal she doesn't have to prepare? She may be overwhelmed. Bed sores may be part of the diabetic condition--I don't know. I'm not a doctor. If your sister-in-law is doing ALL the care then the rest of the family needs to step up and do MORE than just report her. IF there is abuse, she needs to be reported but IF all people can do is report her but not help, then YOU need a heads up, too!
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ask a witness to assist
make the necessary calls
hire a qualified, caring, dependable, responsible agency to assist
prevent further abuses is a worthy use of energy
bravo for asking for help
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