My dad got sent home on hospice. He's 81 with CHF, Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3, and diabetic. They said nothing can be done considering his age and all the problems. Should I just let him eat what he wants or should I manage his diet... So far he doesn't look like someone that's about to die but I'm not sure? What would you do?
I think the goal should be to avoid discomfort now, and not to worry about long-term complications. And as long as he understands the potential short-term risks, he should be the one to make eating decisions.
For example, if your dad is craving potato chips, which are loaded with salt, it could impact the CHF. If he craves meat, that can impact the kidneys and sweets mess up the diabetes. Wow, there's not much left but lettuce!
Maybe he can have small amounts of the prohibited foods like no sugar sweets, low salt potato chips, soy hot dogs, etc.
You can't deny everything, especially in the last stages of life, but if you can juggle the treats, it may work.
Contact his doc and ask what his recommendations are for giving forbidden favorite foods.
With your dad on hospice, Nikki, your dad may not want to eat. But if he wants to eat potato chips, I say let him! Whether he eats kale or twinkies at this point is not going to make a long-term difference. If certain foods increase his discomfort he will probably not want to eat them, without you establishing restrictions.
She lived three weeks after stopping dialysis. I did what I could to help her enjoy her last days.