
My grown daughter and I are not getting along. I am getting up there in age. I currently have her as my POA if I ever need one. I am still with it and still employed. She won't talk to me or acknowledge my existence. She is my only child. Should I get a new POA? Who would that be? When she was talking to me she said she would still be my POA when I needed one. But if she hates me then I want to designate someone else but don't know who. Can't be a neighbor, my neighbors are all transients, they come and go, my pastor would say no and so would my friends, my sib would say no. Any suggestions?

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I would be inclined to not name anyone. Write a detailed living will and do your best to set up your accounts so they are in the hands of a trusted financial planner or can operate without constant supervision and leave it to fate. If anyone cares enough they will petition the courts for guardianship, if no one does then the state will take over, either way you are cared for and once you reach that point that will be all that matters.
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Well, you can try to find a trusted attorney or estate planner to be it for you. It is sad not to have anyone close and trusted enough in family or friends - are you sure your friends would say no if they knew about your estrangement? Id there any chance of working things out with your daughter? So sorry you are in this spot.
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You don't have to name anyone BUT if you are unconscious the state you live in has next-of-kin laws and will start calling them in order. Until then the hospital will make every effort to revive you.
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